
Simplify building React components with streamlined management of Style Sheet and variants.

Native Variants is a first-class variants API library for StyleSheet.


Interested in helping me improve? Check out our GitHub repository to get started! From feature suggestions to bug fixes, all contributions are welcome.


Ever since Stitches introduced variants, we’ve become big fans of this approach. They’re a great way to create a consistent design system, so we created Native Variants to bring this functionality to mobile app development with StyleSheet.

import { nv } from "native-variants";

const buttonVariants = nv({
  slots: ["root", "text"],
  base: {
    root: { paddingHorizontal: 16, paddingVertical: 12 },
    text: { color: "#ffffff", textAlign: "center" },
  variants: {
    variant: {
      solid: {
        root: { backgroundColor: "#ff0006" },
        text: { color: "#ffffff" },
      ghost: {
        root: { backgroundColor: "transparent" },
        text: { color: "#ff0006" },
  defaultVariants: {
    variant: "solid",
  compoundVariants: [
      variant: "ghost",
      css: {
        root: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#fff006" },

return (
  <TouchableOpacity style={root}>
    <Text style={text}>{children}</Text>

To learn more about variants, check the variants page.

Split components into multiple slots

You can style multiple components at once using the slots property.

import { nv } from "native-variants";

const cardVariants = nv({
  slots: [
  base: {
    root: {
      flexDirection: "row",
      backgroundColor: "#f1f5f9",
      borderRadius: 16,
      padding: 32,
      paddingHorizontal: 0,
    avatar: {
      width: 96,
      height: 96,
      borderRadius: 48,
      marginHorizontal: "auto",
      shadowColor: "#000",
      shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 4 },
      shadowOpacity: 0.1,
      shadowRadius: 4,
    wrapper: {
      flex: 1,
      paddingTop: 24,
      paddingHorizontal: 32,
      textAlign: "center",
    description: {
      fontSize: 16,
      fontWeight: "500",
    info_wrapper: {
      fontWeight: "500",
    name: {
      fontSize: 14,
      color: "#0ea5e9",
    role: {
      fontSize: 14,
      color: "#4b5563",

const { root, avatar, wrapper, description, info_wrapper, name, role } =

return (
  <View style={root}>
    <Image style={avatar} src={require("/intro-avatar.png")} />
    <View style={wrapper}>
      <Text style={description}>
        “Tailwind variants allows you to reduce repeated code in your project
        and make it more readable. They fixed the headache of building a design
        system with TailwindCSS.”
      <View style={infoWrapper}>
        <View style={name}>Zoey Lang</View>
        <View style={role}>Full-stack developer, NextUI</View>

Automatic conflict resolution

Native Variants implements native-merge under the hood, so it efficiently merges your styles so you don't have to worry about StyleSheet property conflicts.

Developer Experience

Native Variants was built with the developer experience in mind and offers a great autocomplete experience thanks to its fully typed API. So when using TypeScript, slots, values, and breakpoints will be autocompleted for you.

Framework agnostic

Native Variants is a utility library that only works with React Native.
